Sunday, 14 April 2013

What was my major anyway?

In high school, I was a total science nerd.  I figured why stop a good thing so I went to university to study science.  Like many science students, I mocked my friends that were doing their BAs.  I made the obligatory jokes about their glim employment prospects and derided their life-choices.  In hindsight, I was a bit of a jerk.  But by the middle of my third year, it was abundantly clear that physics would not play a large role in my future (which is not to say that I haven't taken anything away from physics -- for proof see my previous post).  The unthinkable had happened; I registered for some Arts electives... and I liked them.

Now undergraduate students are not, by and large, known for their unwavering dedication to lectures and coursework.  I was no exception especially when it came to physics.  Sometimes my mind would wonder during the lectures.  Sometimes I didn't even bother showing up to class.  On more than one occasion I even fell asleep (this is even worse than it sounds because the average enrolment of a physics class at UNB was 5-7 total students).  

On those days when I had a full night's sleep, but didn't feel in a physics-y mood, there was only one distraction I turned to -- not Facebook, not twitter, not even the proverbial comic book hidden in the textbook.  For me, Greek and Latin translation exercises were my guilty pleasure.  Only ancient language could scratch my itch and float my boat.

To this day, when I have some time on my hands, I crack open some Greek text and go to town.

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